Friday, December 19, 2014

Vinyl Flooring Tips to Follow for your Seattle Home made of vinyl material is the popular type of flooring chosen not only in the United States but also any other part of the world because of its known resiliency. Being hard bearing is one of the top qualities of vinyl flooring with types that ranges from economical to expensive ones. Seattle best vinyl service offers both types that are available options for homeowners who have different types of budget for their vinyl flooring project.

Now you might be wondering as to what is this type of flooring made of, well obviously vinyl and as you should have known there are actually different types which is mainly solid vinyl and and composite vinyl. The solid type is made of vinyl sections that are set in a vinyl base and composite vinyl on the other hand is composed of vinyl parts that are embedded in fillers that are not made of vinyl but from other materials. Of course the type where in vinyl is placed in solid vinyl costs more. As you should know, the one that is considered of high quality is a flooring that contains much greater amount of vinyl materials.The vinyl flooring should be covered with a sort of wear layer for protection. It can still be made of vinyl or made of urethane that is also good since it is clear and does not have wax covering. Vinyl covering is considered more advantageous since it has high resistance to scratches and stains but one downside of vinyl covering is that it loses its gloss over time compared to the protective covering made of urethane. A glossy floor may look great but they take huge risks of slips and falls or even more hazardous accidents especially when used in the bathroom and the kitchen. But both types of protective covering will wear and become dull during the course of time so regular maintenance will be required such as applying wax.

All vinyl floors have accompanying cushion backing that are available in different types of thickness. This is a great advantage especially at the kitchen where dropping something that would break such as glasses or dishes is common, but you also have to be mindful about its tendency of the vinyl flooring having dents. To solve this, you can choose designs that are textured not only for stylish purposes but also as a means to cover the dents.

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